Guan Li 关立

Guan Li 关立

Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI)

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

About Me

I am an MSc student in Geographic Information Systems at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. I received my bachelor’s degree in traffic engineering from Tongji University in 2019. After that, I worked as a transportation engineer at the Urban Planning and Design Institute of Shenzhen for four years. I have worked on a wide variety of both urban planning and transportation design projects. My research interests include urban computing, intelligent transportation system, and geographic information systems.

Download my resumé .

  • Urban Computing
  • GIS
  • ITS
  • MSc in Geomatics (Geographic Information Systems), 2024(expected)

    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

  • BSc in Traffic Engineering, 2019

    Tongji University, Shanghai


Urban Planning & Design Institute of Shenzhen
Transportation Engineer
Jul 2019 – Jul 2023 Shenzhen, China

Responsibilities include:

  • Performed data collection management, quality assurance, statistical analysis, travel demand modeling.
  • Analyzed traffic data and performed traffic simulation.
  • Designed and implemented web applications for traffic data visualization.
Shenzhen Urban Transport Planning Center
Transportation Engineer Intern
Sep 2018 – Nov 2018 Shenzhen, China

Responsibilities include:

  • Found structured, lasting solutions to interdisciplinary and complex traffic problems.
  • Participated in the quality improvement project of several expressway, analyzed terrain data and modeled routes.
Shanghai Intelligent Transportation
Transportation Engineer Intern
Jul 2018 – Sep 2018 Shanghai, China

Responsibilities include:

  • Participated in the intelligent traffic design and organization, used traffic signal control algorithms to optimize the signal timing at intersection, reduced 15% of the average delay time of vehicles.
  • Participated in the Smart City Master Plan of Tianjin South Railway Station, help complete the chapters of “Smart Scenic Area Planning” and “Intelligent Transportation System Planning”.


Time Geography Analysis of Quality of Life
Analysis of time series graph of quality of life using time geography
Time Geography Analysis of Quality of Life
Coupling Analysis of Quality of Life and House Prices
Measurement and Visualization of Quality of Life and Analysis with Housing Prices
Coupling Analysis of Quality of Life and House Prices
The Diagnosis System of Public Transportation
A diagnosis system of public transportation of Shenzhen based on big data.
The Diagnosis System of Public Transportation
